Ecollar (Off Leash) Training
In Your Home Ecollar Program - $800.00
Initial consultation is required BEFORE purchasing this program. ($125.00 charge)
Do you want off-leash reliability and stellar obedience at all times? Do you want to allow your dog freedom? This program is not only an ecollar program, it also builds a relationship between you and your dog. You will be required to train 10 minutes twice daily using your dog's daily allowance of food. A basic understanding of obedience commands is necessary; sit, down, come, place/stay. They do not need to be 100 percent proficient,but they need to know the basic understanding prior to this program.
This is a five step, five session program with "homework" in between sessions to practice each specific skill. This foundational program comes with a handout each session detailing every step in case you don't remember the nuances of the entire session. Each session, we bring a sound box to ensure your timing is precise so your dog is learning correctly and to make sure you understand and feel comfortable using the tool. Each session is unlimited timing so you are completely comfortable with the exercise.
**Travel fee is added per session and is not included in the package**